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2006-02-01 (Wed)



[Windows] IE7 Beta 2 Preview Available

なぜかIE7を入れてみた。IE6とは共存できない。完全に置き換わる。RSSリーダがかっこいいと思った。 IE Tabも動いているのでとりあえずこのままでいこう。


2006-02-02 (Thu)

[Soft] OpenSSH 4.3p1

Security bugs resolved in this release:

scp (as does rcp, on which it is based) invoked a subshell to perform local to local, and remote to remote copy operations. This subshell exposed filenames to shell expansion twice; allowing a local attacker to create filenames containing shell metacharacters that, if matched by a wildcard, could lead to execution of attacker-specified commands with the privilege of the user running scp (Bugzilla #1094)


% CFLAGS=-Os ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-libedit ;: openssh


[Perl] Perl 5.8.8


% ./configure.gnu -Dccflags=-DDEBUGGING ;: perl
% make all test install |& tee make.log

[FC4] 今日のyum update

SDL                     i386       1.2.8-4          updates-released  206 k
SDL-devel               i386       1.2.8-4          updates-released  623 k
amarok                  i386       1.3.8-1.fc4      extras            8.3 M
gnupg2                  i386       1.9.20-1.fc4     extras            896 k
openssh                 i386       4.2p1-fc4.10     updates-released  363 k
openssh-askpass         i386       4.2p1-fc4.10     updates-released   51 k
openssh-askpass-gnome   i386       4.2p1-fc4.10     updates-released   32 k
openssh-clients         i386       4.2p1-fc4.10     updates-released  380 k
openssh-server          i386       4.2p1-fc4.10     updates-released  224 k
system-config-soundcard  noarch     1.2.12-5.FC4     updates-released  1.0 M
wine                    i386       0.9.6-1.fc4      extras            9.4 M

2006-02-03 (Fri)

[Soft] C 0.05

The interpreter now accepts command line arguments to scripts given though standard input. It also supports the TMPDIR environment variable, which enables users to share a single compile cache.

[Soft] Non-Networked File System 2.1.9

NNFS provide a consistent file system over several non networked UNIX computers (or slow networked). For example on your computer at home and at work using only a floppy disk for the synchronisation.

ホームディレクトリをUSBフラッシュで持ち歩くときに便利そう。 しかしそんな状況にはなりそうもない。

[Ruby] 過去問


2006-02-04 (Sat)

[Soft] SQLite 3.3.3

Support has been added for CHECK constraints, DESC indices, IF [NOT] EXISTS clauses on CREATE and DROP statements, a more efficient on-disk encoding for boolean values, and the ability to share the page and schema cache between database connections in the same thread. This is the first stable release in the 3.3 series.

[Soft] QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.8.45

The page alignment algorithm was improved and a bug with mmap emulation on Windows was fixed.

[VMware] 「VMware GSX Server」を無料提供へ--来週にも発表か




2006-02-05 (Sun)

[Ruby] YARV will be merged into Ruby 1.9 at Feb 14, Saint Valentine's Day.


[Vim] .vimrc

流行ってるので~/.vimrcを貼りつけてみる。 こだわってるのはstatuslineとmap chだけ。 あとはどこかで見たものの寄せ集め。

set fencs=iso-2022-jp,utf-8,ucs-2le,ucs-2,cp932,japan
set tenc=euc-jp
set ai si
set viminfo='20,\"50
set backup
set history=50
set shm=at
set bs=2
set laststatus=2
set statusline=%<%f\ %m%r%h%w[%{&fileformat}][%{has('multi_byte')&&\ &fileencoding!=''?&fileencoding:&encoding}]\ 0x%B%=%l,%c\ %P
cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
  syntax on
  set hlsearch
so $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim

if has("autocmd")
  filetype plugin indent on
  au FileType text setlocal tw=60
  au FileType ruby setlocal expandtab indentkeys-=0#
  " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
  autocmd BufReadPost *
  \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
  \   exe "normal g`\"" |
  \ endif
  au FileType changelog
  \ map ch 1Gi<C-R>=strftime("%a %b %e %X %Y  WATANABE Hirofumi  <eban@ruby...>\n\n\n\n")<CR><UP><UP><TAB>* 
endif " has("autocmd")

あと~/.vim/{ft,}pluginにもいろいろ置いてるので、 たぶん立ち上げ時に勝手に読まれてる。 pluginは結局試しただけで全然使ってないが。

2006-02-06 (Mon)

[Mail] Devlists

ruby-talkとかruby-coreとかruby on railsとかrails coreとかのMLがsubscribeしなくても読める。 未読管理もある。でもまだまだ使い辛い。未読だけ読むhotokeyが欲しい。 hotkeyでpが別の意味に使われてn/pじゃないのは痛いな。 選択してsするとsnippetできるのは面白い。消す方法はないが。

Features of DevLists
DevLists has a wealth of features that we hope you'll find invaluable. Here are just a few:

  1. Powerful search of all messages allows you to quickly find what you're looking for. It will help you avoid n00b posts too!
  2. You can flag (Flag Favorites) interesting messages & threads for quick reference. You can even flag your favorite posters, like language designers, framework creators, or those members you find the most helpful.
  3. You can receive up-to-date messages for mailing lists you haven't signed up to yet.
  4. All messages are kept forever for easy reference.
  5. Snippets make it incredibly easy to keep track of interesting comments and code examples.

Favorite Postersのためだけに登録するのはありだと思った。 これでなかださんとかを登録しとけば簡単にパッチが取り出せるわけだよ。





がbusy loopになってた。 CygwinだとなんだかんだでerrnoはEAGAINしか返さないからなので、 GetLastError()を呼ぶことにした。

[Ruby] file.cとwindows.h

実はfile.cで#include <windows.h>するとOpenFileの存在のせいで非常に面倒なことになる。 win32/win32.hの

#define OpenFile  WINAPI_OpenFile
#include <winsock2.h>
#undef OpenFile

というような小細工が必要になる。 面倒なのでGetLastError()のプロトタイプ宣言を自前で用意。 と思ったらすでに存在してた。 Cygwinはrename()のerrnoもなんか変だったらしい。 自分で追加したに違いないが覚えてない。

[TV] 輪舞曲(ロンド)の暗号




bfb7 bdc9 c3e6 b1fb
43e5 b1eo 43e5 bdbo
c5c5 cfc3


% echo -n '新宿中央公園公衆電話' | nkf -e | od -tx1
0000000 bf b7 bd c9 c3 e6 b1 fb b8 f8 b1 e0 b8 f8 bd b0
0000020 c5 c5 cf c3

「公」だけ違うな。 しかもたまたま2回現われてるからtypoでもなさそう。 0x43は'C'だもんな。その暗号、バグってるよ。

2006-02-07 (Tue)

[Blog] バックアップ

Bloglinesに11/20からのは残ってます。たぶんkan.vcに移ってからのが全部。 Bloglinesは200アイテムしか保存してくれないから本格的には使えないけど、 SuprGluだったらバックアップとして使えそうだ。 とりあえずこことdel.icio.usのRSSだけ登録しておいたんだけど、 過去の日記も別のRSSにすれば完全なバックアップができるかな。

2006-02-08 (Wed)

[Radio] Pandora

なんとなくLast.FMを使わなくなって、Yahoo! Musicのサウンドステーションを聞いていたが、最近飽きてきた。 あまり変わりばえしないしね。

というわけで Pandoraを試した。 とりあえずMaroon 5でcreate。プレーヤはFlashのようだ。 すげー簡単だ。登録しなくてもいきなり聞ける。 その後は似た感じの他のアーティストが出てくる。 これは気軽でいいね。 後から他のアーティストも追加もできるんだ。やっぱ登録しよう。

しかし FAQを見ると

Q: Why do you need to know my zip code?
At this time we are only licensed to offer Pandora music services to residents of the United States. Audio streaming regulations differ from country to country, and we are working on acquiring the proper licenses so we can legally offer Pandora outside of the United States. We require your zip code to confirm that you are a resident of the United States.


2006-02-09 (Thu)

[Soft] AjaxFTP 0.5

AjaxFTP is a drop-in FTP widget that you can use in Web 2.0 applications. It's modular, skinnable, and uses the Ruby on Rails Prototype JavaScript library for a seamless FTP browsing experience.


[RSS] Weather Hacks


2006-02-10 (Fri)

[Ruby] [QUIZ] FasterGenerator (#66)


[Soft] GUnit 0.5 (Development)

GUnit is a C unit testing framework in the spirit of JUnit. The framework incorporates an easy-to-use GUI based on the GNOME libraries, as well as support for Hildon UI (maemo.org).

rvi 1.1 2006/02/09

rvi is a wrapper script which gives you an easy way of integrating RCS with your existing vim/vi work environment. Simply use "rvi filename" instead of "vim filename", and the file will automatically be checked into revision control, and the changes you made after the edit will be displayed each time you finish editing.



% ls -l /bin/rvi
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 2 Aug 13 02:44 /bin/rvi -> vi


     rvim rview rgvim rgview
               Like the above, but with restrictions.  It will not be possi-
               ble to start shell commands, or suspend Vim. Can also be done
               with the "-Z" argument.


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